Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From Favianna Rodriguez

Favianna Rodriguez October 13 at 2:14pm Reply
Dear Presente Supporters--

In just one week, CNN will launch its “Latino in America” series, which tells the stories of Latinos from across the country. There’s just one thing missing: Lou Dobbs. That’s right. Four hours about the Latino experience in America, and not a word about the man who spends every weeknight telling lies about immigrants, and spreading hatred and fear about Latinos.

Together with award-winning filmmaker Arturo Perez, we're calling out CNN's hypocrisy with a powerful new video: “CNN: Lou Dobbs or Latinos in America?” Please watch the video and add your voice to the more than 50,000 others already demanding that CNN dump Dobbs. And then spread the word to your friends and family.


We're trying to gather as many signatures as we can before “Latino in America” airs on Oct. 21-22. Will you join us, and share this action with your friends and family? It only takes a moment:


Thank you and Adelante!

Presente.Org team

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